Every one of us experiences heartbreak at least once in our lifetime, sometimes at a very early age or sometimes after a certain period.It is a time that teaches you to face the real you and helps you build a completely different personality from the previous one. People may lose emotional support from dear ones every other day in their life. People have socially, financially and emotionally different experiences every day.One needs to be strong enough to face any of the situations at any age.

When everything seems to be wrong, there is no purpose left in life, or a person loses his mind, is what people call an emotional breakdown, a heartbroken phase. A person loses his emotional control and gets a stand-alone mindset during a heart-break; one regularly needs something that heals or recovers his heart.A person puts themselves in a space where he wants to cry, express or sometimes want to take revenge.


God can heal a broken heart, but He has to have all the pieces.


It hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can't live without you.


It’s hard asking someone with a broken heart to fall in love again.

– Eric Kripke


A broken heart is the worst. It’s like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe.


I gave you my heart, I just didn’t expect to get it back in pieces.


The only thing a boyfriend was good for was a shattered heart.

– Becca Fitzpatrick


I thought you were healing me. But no, you just broke me even more.


 You don’t die from a broken heart. You only wish you did.


 Thinking of you is a poison I drink often.

- Atticus


I cannot love anyone else the way I love you… It’s just impossible.


You know you really love someone when you can’t hate them for breaking your heart.


 My memory loves you; it asks about you all the time.


You had me at a point where I would’ve left the entire world behind for you.


I could never hurt you the way you hurt me.


I broke my own heart loving you.


It always hits the hardest at night.


Long after I have given up, my heart still searches for you without my permission.

– Rudy Francisco


You weren't just a star to me, you were my whole damn sky.


I wish I could hurt you the way you hurt me. But I know that if I had the chance, I wouldn’t do it.


Even if I fall in love again with someone new, it could never be the way I loved you.

However, he remains silent and alone in the room and gets depressed. Majority of heartbreaks happening today are because of loving someone way too deeply.

People have a very off-beat mindset about love, body attachment, and affection from their early life span. Teenagers are not ready to understand the meaning of love; what they want is to show off their relationship status on social media and in groups.

These sleepless loving nights will convert into a horrible lonely night when something happens against their expectations. You can, You will!

Various methods will help to restore your life as usual. One has to prepare a self-care plan and execute it wisely.


Following are the ways to grow yourself from the heartbreak feeling:

Take the situation positively and read your books, magazines and favourite newspaper columns.Accept the past in its entirety, answer yourself and get a dream of having a similar relationship in the future.

Exercise daily and lift yourself physically and emotionally during this phase as it will make you a strong personality.Don’t be alone, connect with the things you love, call your best friends, share your feelings and emotions through words.

To keep your mind busy with something will help you to forget the emotional trauma. Make yourself productive in this phase as it will grow your personality and make you stronger.

The reason for some of the success stories is heartbreak or death of dear ones will give you unstoppable energy that makes you dedicated to achieving the dream once seen together.

Remember, one is not immortal and has a limited life, so erase the heartbroken phase and start writing the better one, taking inspiration from our heartbroken quotes!



Maintaining good and healthy relationships is challenging. One has to sacrifice for someone or has to accept his partner the way they are.The reasons for heartbreak like appearance, gender, physical disability, and generation gap causes emotional trauma in youth.

It is essential to break these sad feelings and have a clear understanding of love and acceptance.If you feel broken anytime, then share your feelings through words or heartbreak quotes that will motivate you and offer a reason to live this beautiful life.

Heartbreak quotes will help you to feel better and rediscover yourself after a bad heartbreak. Heartbreak quotes should also be shared with every heartbroken person to comfort them.

What are you waiting for? Share the article now!

Top 20 Broken Heart Quotes

  1. "God can heal a broken heart, but He has to have all the pieces." 
  2. "It hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can't live without you." 
  3. “It’s hard asking someone with a broken heart to fall in love again.” – Eric Kripke
  4. “A broken heart is the worst. It’s like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe.”
  5. “I gave you my heart, I just didn’t expect to get it back in pieces.”
  6. “The only thing a boyfriend was good for was a shattered heart.” – Becca Fitzpatrick
  7. "I thought you were healing me. But no, you just broke me even more.” 
  8. "You don’t die from a broken heart. You only wish you did." 
  9. "Thinking of you is a poison I drink often." Atticus
  10. "I cannot love anyone else the way I love you… It’s just impossible." 
  11.  "You know you really love someone when you can’t hate them for breaking your heart."
  12. "My memory loves you; it asks about you all the time" 
  13. “You had me at a point where I would’ve left the entire world behind for you.” 
  14. "I could never hurt you the way you hurt me."
  15. "I broke my own heart loving you." 
  16. "It always hits the hardest at night." 
  17. "Long after I have given up, my heart still searches for you without my permission" – Rudy Francisco
  18.  "You weren't just a star to me, you were my whole damn sky."
  19. “I wish I could hurt you the way you hurt me. But I know that if I had the chance, I wouldn’t do it.” 
  20. "Even if I fall in love again with someone new, it could never be the way I loved you." 

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