Safety slogans are those slogans that simplify the safety messages and guidelines into short and meaningful phrases. These phrases work by being simple to remember and easier to understand instead of the standard rules.

They can be simple warning slogans or fun and humorous slogans, depending on the space and the requirement. 'Just Say No' is one of the simplest examples of how effective messaging can be displayed in simple words. Some of the areas where safety slogans are used are road, electricity, fire, health, construction, workplace, etc. Some of the best slogans remind you to follow the rules in a much easier way.


Safety is our No1 Priority.


A spill, a slip, a hospital trip.


Safety is No Accident


Stay Alert – Don’t Get Hurt.


The Key To Safety Is in Your Hands


Safety is a Choice You Make.


Safety rules are your best tools.


Safety starts with S but begins with you.


Safety by Choice, Not by Chance


Hard hats, they're not just for decoration.


Safety saves, Accidents cost you.


Safety First, Avoid the Worst.


Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car!


The safe way is the only way


Safety fits like a glove; Try one on


Don't learn safety by accident


Safety starts with me


Make safety a part of your work


Keep safety in mind. It will save your behind.


When safety is first, you last.

We have seen many examples of road safety slogans all over while driving – and they exist in all parts of the globe.  Same is the case with electricity and fire safety slogans.

Health slogans are newer form and keep developing in case there is a need to propagate a message, like in the pandemic or epidemic times, for example, the coronavirus scare.

The idea about safety slogans is that they should fit on a small board, should be very short, and easy to remember. Often, there is a little rhyme instead of a slogan, which helps in getting the message across. You can place those slogans at places where they can be seen easily.

Road signals are written over the boards, often along with direction signs. This makes them easy to follow. They are also common along with the tolls, where people usually stop for a few seconds. The same is the case with construction safety.

They are placed at various construction sites, almost blocking the place where one isn't supposed to go. Crime scenes also have their safety slogans. Workplace safety slogans are visible upon the notice boards and desks, and even near the attendance devices for better visibility.

In the case of more difficult situations, full-detailed posters are there. The safety slogans attract people's attention towards the sign where they get to read everything related to the current situation. This is more often visible in terms of health safety slogans

It is important to keep the slogans as short as possible. To make it quick, it is essential to be very specific. Being specific helps in getting across the messaging in short words. The slogan, once inside the people's memory, will do its magic. 

Want to know some of the best safety slogans to use for your workplace or school? Find them here, the most successful safety slogans in history are listed below:



Safety slogans have a charm about them. They are easy to remember and can be written in simple words. The magic lies in the fact that they work.

They work by being easy to remember and can be fit on small boards also, while they can also be part of posters where they are used to attract the audience to the overall larger part of the poster.

Our list above provides you with the idea of how safety slogans work, and also why they are so effective in getting the message across. Going through the list, you will know the importance of safety slogans, and 'if you care, you must share' this article.

The last one would be another example of an effective safety slogan if you noticed.

Top 20 Safety Slogans

  1. “Safety is our No1 Priority.”
  2. “A spill, a slip, a hospital trip.”
  3. “Safety is No Accident”
  4. “Stay Alert – Don’t Get Hurt.”
  5. “The Key To Safety Is in Your Hands”
  6. “Safety is a Choice You Make.”
  7. “Safety rules are your best tools.”
  8. “Safety starts with S but begins with you.”
  9. “Safety by Choice, Not by Chance”
  10. “Hard hats, they're not just for decoration.”
  11. “Safety saves, Accidents cost you.”
  12. “Safety First, Avoid the Worst.”
  13. “Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car!”
  14. “The safe way is the only way”
  15. “Safety fits like a glove; Try one on”
  16. “Don't learn safety by accident”
  17. “Safety starts with me”
  18. “Make safety a part of your work”
  19. “Keep safety in mind. It will save your behind.”
  20. “When safety is first, you last.”

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