Commenced by the Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan was an innovative movement which came into existence for promoting the cleanliness practices all over the country.

It was launched on 2nd, 2014. People all over the world are aware of the sanitation conditions of India. In fact, we have been confronting harsh criticism from foreign visitors on a failed sanitation system.



Ek kadam swachhata ki ore.


Cleanliness is next to Godliness.


स्वच्छता अपनाओ –

स्वच्छता अपनाओ,

अपने घर को सुंदर बनाओ


सफाई से खुद को स्वच्छ बनाना है,

स्वछता से पूरे विश्व में 

अपनी पहचान बनाना है.


खुबसुरत होगा 

देश हर छोर,

क्यूकी हम करेगे 

सफाई चारो ओर.


हम सबका यही सपना,

स्वच्छ भारत हो अपना.


स्वच्छता का रखना हमेसा ध्यान,

तभी तो बनेगा हमारा भारत महान.


गांधीजी के सपनों का भारत बनायेंगे,

चारो तरफ स्वच्छता फैलायेंगे.


 घर – समाज को रखो साफ,

भविष्य नहीं करेगा वरना माफ़.


 गाँधीजी ने दिया सन्देश,

स्वच्छ रखो भारत देश.


स्वच्छता का करोगे जब काम,

विकसित राष्ट्रों में आएगा अपना नाम.


अब हर भारतीयों ने मन में यही ठाना है, 

पूरे भारत को स्वच्छ बनाना है.


अब हमने यह ठाना हैं,

भारत स्वच्छ बनाना है.


स्वच्छता का करें पालन,

स्वच्छ हो हर घर आँगन.


कदम से कदम मिलाना है,

भारत को स्वच्छ बनाना है.


सब रोगों की एक एक ही दवाई,

हर तरफ रखो साफ़ सफाई.


अब सबको जगना है,

गंदगी को दूर करना है.


स्वछता को जो अपनाते है,

वही लोग बीमारी से बच पाते है.


स्वच्छता का कर्म अपनाओ,

इसे अपना धर्म बनाओ.


बच्चे – बूढों का यही है कहना,

गंदगी में कभी न रहना.

This movement was started with a purpose to enlighten the citizens of the country about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene which was joined by some of the most popular celebs of India such as Kapil Sharma, Priyanka Chopra, Akshay Kumar, Salman Khan, etc.


Why did this movement come into existence? 

The concept of clean India will become a reality only when the entire population has access to sanitation facilities. India used to rank very low in the WASH – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene performance Index despite its efforts to eradicate open defecation and ensure drinking water facilities.

 The Swachhtha campaign was a call to the entire nation to uplift the deprived, by granting them equality and rights as citizens. Apart from this, waste management is a big issue in the country of more than 1.2 billion people.

Swachh Bharat movement was a necessary action because there was no functional structure for effective waste management in India. With the beginning of this action, people have become attentive and responsible towards society.

Yet, we need an efficient way to promote movement and slogans are the best way to do this. Various measures have been adopted to understand and admit that cleanliness starts from home.

The number and degree of inadequate sanitation facilities, water supply, individual household latrines, diarrheal illness, recycling and reusing water, open spitting and urinating have been put to hold by the Swachhta Mission.

The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has brought about real action to ensure cleanliness. The state of public toilet facilities has improved tremendously, and an overall civic sense has been established. Garbage collection and street cleaning are more prevalent.

Toilet facilities have been built in a vast majority of households. Swachh Bharat slogans not only explain the necessity of cleanliness but these informative lines also elaborate on the benefits of attaining a clean and healthy place to live.

It has proven to the masses that the quality of human life rests upon the availability and accessibility of improved sanitation facilities. So, to give the voice to the cleanliness crisis which was earlier unspoken, let's voice our heart out for this revolutionary movement with Swachh Bharat Slogans.



Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is one of the most crucial movements of the century which is introduced with a purpose to promote hygiene, sanitation, and good health for every citizen.

As we need more and more people to be aware of this productive initiative by the government, catchy slogans on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan can be highly impactful. Not only will these slogans raise awareness but also bring us together in keeping our country clean and healthy.

The duty of maintaining cleanliness falls on oneself. We Indians should collectively embrace the diversities and make our country a unique place to live in. If all of us come together to bring about a change in society, the results will be outstanding.

If you liked this article and want to share these slogans with your friends and family, don’t forget to forward this article to them!


Top 20 Swachh Bharat Slogan 

  1. "Ek kadam swachhata ki ore." 
  2. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." 
  3. "स्वच्छता अपनाओ – स्वच्छता अपनाओ, अपने घर को सुंदर बनाओ" 
  4. "सफाई से खुद को स्वच्छ बनाना है, स्वछता से पूरे विश्व में  अपनी पहचान बनाना है." 
  5. "खुबसुरत होगा  देश हर छोर, क्यूकी हम करेगे  सफाई चारो ओर." 
  6. "हम सबका यही सपना, स्वच्छ भारत हो अपना." 
  7. "गांधीजी के सपनों का भारत बनायेंगे, चारो तरफ स्वच्छता फैलायेंगे." 
  8. "स्वच्छता का रखना हमेसा ध्यान, तभी तो बनेगा हमारा भारत महान." 
  9. "घर – समा ज को रखो साफ, भविष्य नहीं करेगा वरना माफ़." 
  10. "गाँधीजी ने दिया सन्देश, स्वच्छ रखो भारत देश." 
  11. "स्वच्छता का करोगे जब काम, विकसित राष्ट्रों में आएगा अपना नाम." 
  12. "अब हर भारतीयों ने मन में यही ठाना है, पूरे भारत को स्वच्छ बनाना है." 
  13. "अब हमने यह ठाना हैं, भारत स्वच्छ बनाना है." 
  14. "स्वच्छता का करें पालन, स्वच्छ हो हर घर आँगन." 
  15. "कदम से कदम मिलाना है, भारत को स्वच्छ बनाना है." 
  16. "सब रोगों की एक एक ही दवाई, हर तरफ रखो साफ़ सफाई." 
  17. "अब सबको जगना है, गंदगी को दूर करना है." 
  18. "स्वछता को जो अपनाते है, वही लोग बीमारी से बच पाते है." 
  19. "स्वच्छता का कर्म अपनाओ, इसे अपना धर्म बनाओ." 
  20. "बच्चे – बूढों का यही है कहना, गंदगी में कभी न रहना."

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