Black and white thinking is all about the tendency of the human mind to simplify the things that we perceive from the real world. In this, humans categorize things into two types, i.e. if that particular thing or people belong to their group(which is of course psychologically constructed) or not.

After this, people are treated accordingly. For example, we group some as our friends and some as adversaries, some as good and others as bad.



Make it happen shock everyone 


If it’s still in your mind. It is worth taking the risk. 


Never regret being a good person to the wrong people. 


We are all bad in someone’s story.  


Success is not for the lazy. 


I may be quiet, but I have so much on my mind. 


If you get tired, learn to rest. Not to quit.


Sarcasm isn’t an attitude. It’s an Art. 


Silly me expecting too much from people again.


Because easy doesn’t change you. 


Judge me when you are perfect. 


Positivity is a superpower.


The joy of the Lord is my strength.  


Never forget how wildly capable you are. 


Remember that the reason you’re doing this is to make your life better. 


Never forget why you started. 


Never give up because great things take time.


Be stronger than your excuses.


Life is a collection of moments. 


There is beauty in simplicity.


All You Need to Know About Black & White Perspective in Life

 This plays a vital role in helping people to make efficient decisions regarding various social aspects. It also has a huge impact on relationships.

This black and white thinking has certain problems associated with it, such as- it prevents you from feeling the essence and beauty of your life and relationships. In extreme cases, this even results in mental health issues such as Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD.

For all of us, life has two sides -the black and the white. While most people associate black & white as individual entities, there are others who blend the same and lead a normal life.

For instance, photographers perceive black & white as a way of delivering meaning and life to their photographs. There is no denying the fact that monochromatic photographs appear quite distinct from the colored ones -giving the photographs a mysterious, yet a unique touch.

Though we feel that we are making it easy for ourselves by seeing the world in black and white rather than as a colourful rainbow, the fact is that this exhausts us.

The black and white quotes play a crucial role in building in you, the essence of both sides of any situation or people in your life.


Why get rid of it?

 Black and white thinking is a hurdle in the path to attain success. With such a thought process, you will find it tougher to comprehend the problem.

It is always advisable to consult a therapist when you have black and white thinking that causes a distressing feeling as this can be a symptom of BPD. Now, when you know the issues with black and white thinking, you need to defeat it.

This can be done by first acknowledging that you have such a thought process. You may find it difficult in the beginning, but if you try to analyze your thoughts and question the extremes, you can get over it.

However, you should be more cautious and think in a balanced manner. Get a breakthrough from black and white thinking and cherish the colors of life with our list of quotes on black and white thinking!



 You need to dive into the uncertainty for getting a clear view of life which is complex but is a glittering rainbow at the same time. It is just that one has to stop viewing life as black and white or grey and start seeing it from a different perspective.

Going through the black and white quotes and sharing them with your near and dear ones is the best thing you can do to help others start looking at others like a colourful rainbow instead of just visualizing it in two monotonous shades.

So, wait no more! Share our optimistic black and white quotes with all your friends to fill their life with colours!


Top 20 Black and White Quotes

  1. ”Make it happen shock everyone” 
  2. ”If it’s still in your mind. It is worth taking the risk”
  3. ”Never regret being a good person to the wrong people. ”
  4. ”We are all bad in someone’s story. ”
  5. ”Success is not for the lazy. ” 

  6. ”I may be quiet, but I have so much on my mind. ”
  7. ”If you get tired, learn to rest. Not to quit”
  8. ”Sarcasm isn’t an attitude. It’s an Art. ”

  9. ”Silly me expecting too much from people again” 

  10. ”Because easy doesn’t change you. ”
  11. ”Judge me when you are perfect. ”

  12. ”Positivty is a superpower.” 

  13. ”The joy of the Lord is my strength. ”

  14. ”Never forget how wildly capable you are. ”

  15. ”Remember that the reason you’re doing this is to make your life better. ” 
  16. “Never forget why you started. ” 
  17. ”Never give up because great things take time. ”
  18. ”Be stronger than your excuses. ”
  19. ”Life is a collection of moments. ”
  20. ”There is beauty in simplicity.” 

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