Family is the ultimate group of people an individual wishes to live and die for.In a country like India, Family is probably the essential thing in someone's life after health and education. A family is an individual's most valuable asset. The members teach each other things that the society and the various other factors of society (peers, school, workplace), etc. fail to show.

Talking more of the family, it is that part of life which you cannot ignore. In India, one can mainly find two family systems - Joint and a Nuclear family.The culture of India teaches us to live in togetherness, and a family is the basic source of unity and love. From the very beginning of an individual's life, he lives, breathes and lives with his or her family. In his later years, he/she travels and learns things with his or her family. It is observed that family constitutes one's life from the very second he breathes to his last breath.


The most important thing in the world is family and love.

– John Wooden


 The family is the first essential cell of human society.

– Pope John XXIII


 The family is the test of freedom; because the family is the only thing that the free man makes for himself and by himself.


The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.

– John Wooden


Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.


Family is not an important thing, it’s everything.


Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.


Love your family as you love yourself.


Family makes you who you are and who you aren't.


Family is the heart of a home.


God wouldn't have given you a family if He didn't think you needed it.


There is no love greater than the love shared within a family.


The bond between a parent and child is unbreakable.


Love, honesty, and connection are cultivated in a family.


No matter how big or small the family, what matters most is love.


To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.

- Barbara Bush


The memories we make with our family is everything.

- Candace Cameron Bure


Everyone needs a house to live in, but a supportive family is what builds a home.

- Anthony Liccione


Family is the most important thing in the world.


Family: Where life begins, and love never ends.

How family helps oneself?

Improves an individual's overall well-being Over the years, researches have shown that an individual prospers in his married life when he or she grows up with his biological family.

The factor that brings in positivity in an individual's life is the love, care and nourishment one gets from his or her family.This is the natural form of love that one gets in probably all the stages of life. Helps in personality development and stress relief

Spending a good time with your family can contribute to your happiness factor.


As a child, you see your elderly family members and learn all the things; from walking to talking from them. The more positivity and natural goodness roll in the family, the more your personality glows. Helps people live longer.

An individual who lives with his family all his life tends to live longer. As the person is accustomed to emotional pleasure, this enriches his mind and heart's emotional needs.


Are Families Important to Society?

A family is very important in one's life. The importance of a family may not be evident in modern society, but it contributes the most in one's personal life.

Every member is an expert in a field of art, and this contributes to the overall development of one's personality.A healthy talk with your family helps in the internal as well as external growth of an individual and this indirectly assists the society.

After learning the moral code of life, it is important to share it with others for them to realize the value of these fantastic people in life.Let's celebrate the people who make our life joyous. Discover quotes below that make you realize why your loved ones matter.


Final Thoughts 

If a person needs help in any matter, he or she seeks directions from his/her family. From his emotional needs to his physical and psychological needs, everything is cured with assistance from the family. Family holds a vital part of an individual's life.

Do not forget to appreciate them every day and bond with them over quotes like these. Express them that they are your top priority.Hopefully, these quotes have reminded you of their place in your life.

Do not forget to share our list of family quotes and have a great time with your family.

Top 20 Family Quotes

  1. “The most important thing in the world is family and love.” John Wooden
  2. “The family is the first essential cell of human society.” Pope John XXIII
  3. “The family is the test of freedom; because the family is the only thing that the free man makes for himself and by himself.”
  4. “The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.” John Wooden
  5. “Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.”
  6. “Family is not an important thing, it’s everything.” 
  7. “Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.”
  8. “Love your family as you love yourself.” 
  9. “Family makes you who you are and who you aren't.”
  10. “Family is the heart of a home.” 
  11. “God wouldn't have given you a family if He didn't think you needed it.” 
  12. “There is no love greater than the love shared within a family.” 
  13. “The bond between a parent and child is unbreakable.” 
  14. “Love, honesty, and connection are cultivated in a family.” 
  15. “No matter how big or small the family, what matters most is love.”
  16. “To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there." -Barbara Bush
  17. ”The memories we make with our family is everything." - Candace Cameron Bure
  18. “Everyone needs a house to live in, but a supportive family is what builds a home." -Anthony Liccione
  19. “Family is the most important thing in the world.” 
  20. “Family: Where life begins, and love never ends.”

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