The first people children usually see when they enter the world are their parents, and therein begins a lifelong relationship with them. While children instinctively recognize and bond with their mother in the first few months of their life, they soon start noticing and recognizing their father.As they grow, they start trusting and looking up to their father for all their basic needs.

A father’s relationship with a child is completely different than that with a mother’s due to the role a father plays in a child’s life, at the different stages in his/her life. This relationship needs to be respected, appreciated and acknowledged through well written and sensible father’s quotes which showcase the strength and emotional bonding between them.

One of the greatest gifts I’ve ever gotten came from God. I call him Daddy.

Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing Dad.

Dad. He can play like a kid, give advice like a friend, and protect like a bodyguard.


No one in this world can love a girl more than her father.


My father was my teacher. But most importantly he was a great Dad.


I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for the father’s protection.


A father is a man who expects his children to be as good as he meant to be.

- Carol Coats


My dad has given me the best gift anyone has ever given me. He gave me wings to fly.

Adria Arjona


As a father you must have the mindset that being a dad is your most important job.

Anne Geddes


I have a hero. I call him Dad.


I love you, daddy. You are like a magnet for me who has attracted me towards the right and repelled me from what is wrong. 


Some people don’t believe in Heroes. They’ve never met my dad.


A dad is someone you never outgrow your need for.


My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do it.

– Clarence Budington Kelland


I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my father is a king.


Being a daddy’s girl is like having permanent armor for the rest of your life.


I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection. 


I love my father as the stars – he’s a bright shining example and a happy tinkling in my heart.


I’m as lucky as can be. For the world’s best Dad belongs to me.


The only Superman I know, is my Dad.

The Importance of Fathers Quotes

Quotes for fathers are written to remember their efforts in bringing us up and the sacrifices they made over a period of time to meet all our needs.

A well-written quote can convey all your emotions and show your love for your father in a manner that simple words cannot express.

This is especially important for those children who are not able to communicate their feelings easily and often struggle with the right words to explain what they think about their relationship with their father.

Fathers quotes are a great poetic way to describe one's feelings and let the world know about the role your father has played in your life.

The relationship of a father with his children is not limited to just providing them material and emotional support but also involves creating a secure environment for them to grow up in.

Many children look up to their father for advice on personal issues and how to cope with different situations that life throws at them.

Coping with difficulties, solving personal problems, assisting with their studies and teaching them to become financially independent are some of the lessons that fathers teach their children.

Well written father's quotes can help a child appreciate all these things and share their thanks to their father for playing such an important role in their life.

Father's quotes should not be used only on the day dedicated to fathers i.e. Fathers Day but throughout the year, as a reminder of their importance in our lives and what they mean to us.

A father is much more than just a father and plays the role of a mentor, friend, and guide throughout our life, often helping us out of difficult situations.

They are also the persons we go to for our needs and wants when our mother refuses to fulfil them due to various reasons that are also for our benefit.This is one of the reasons children love their fathers and try to do things that will make them feel proud and happy about them.

Such simple and beautiful expressions of the mind, full of love, can only be expressed with the best father’s quotes.


Benefits of Fathers Quotes

Father quotes, while conveying the thoughts and feelings we have for our father, are also a good way to express our thanks to them for making many sacrifices in their lives for us and always being there for us whenever we need them, no matter what the circumstance.

At every stage of life, our needs and wants are different and our fathers ensure that they arrange things accordingly.Good father quotes are also very appreciative and make our fathers realize that we appreciate all the efforts they do, to keep us happy and satisfied in life.

Our sincere thoughts expressed through good father quotes keeps them motivated to go out of the way just to ensure that we get all the things we need as a part of our growing up process.


Some of the benefits of Father’s Quotes are:

An opportunity for us to express our thanks to them for being a part of our lives. Convey our feelings and emotions to them. Recognize their importance in our lives.Thank them for their advice and support in our lives. Guiding us on the right path.

Being available to us whenever we needed them. Helping us financially and in reaching our goals.Writing good father's quotes is an art and not many people are really experts in writing them, so one should always appreciate and acknowledge good father quotes.

Especially since they are so important in expressing our feelings to the most important man in our life since our birth.

While no words can be expressive enough and convey our deep emotions, successfully to both appreciate and thank our father, some of the father quotes come close enough and help us build stronger and better bonds with our father.

Some quotes also help solve any differences in opinion that we may have with our father and let him see our point of view as well, beautifully.Send these well-written father quotes that thank your father for being in your life



Parents appreciate the support and love their children show for them, be it through a tight hug or remembering the special days in their life.

However, just showing your love on only special days such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, etc. is not enough and it needs to be expressed more often.

Sharing and sending them well written and expressive fathers quotes is a good way to share your feelings on a more on-going basis.

It not only tells your father that he is constantly in your mind and that you remember him often but also shows him how much you love him and appreciate his presence in your life.

It conveys your emotions for every small thing that he has done for you and how he often went out of the way to ensure that all your requirements are met.

We hope our list of father quotes help you showcase the feelings you have for your father, and look forward to you to share these points with your friends and family.


Top 20 Father Quotes

  1. “One of the greatest gifts I’ve ever gotten came from God. I call him Daddy.”
  2. “Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing Dad.” 
  3. “Dad. He can play like a kid, give advice like a friend, and protect like a bodyguard.” 
  4. “No one in this world can love a girl more than her father.” 
  5. “My father was my teacher. But most importantly he was a great Dad.” 
  6. “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for the father’s protection.” 
  7. “A father is a man who expects his children to be as good as he meant to be.” – Carol Coats
  8. “My dad has given me the best gift anyone has ever given me. He gave me wings to fly.” – Adria Arjona
  9. “As a father you must have the mindset that being a dad is your most important job.” – Anne Geddes
  10. “I have a hero. I call him Dad.”
  11. “I love you, daddy. You are like a magnet for me who has attracted me towards the right and repelled me from what is wrong.”
  12. “Some people don’t believe in Heroes. They’ve never met my dad.”
  13. “A dad is someone you never outgrow your need for.”
  14. “My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do it.” – Clarence Budington Kelland
  15. “I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my father is a king.” 
  16. “Being a daddy’s girl is like having permanent armor for the rest of your life.”
  17. “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” 
  18. “I love my father as the stars – he’s a bright shining example and a happy tinkling in my heart.”
  19. “I’m as lucky as can be. For the world’s best Dad belongs to me.” 
  20. “The only Superman I know, is my Dad.” 

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