When you watch the local news or skim through the daily newspaper you can hardly find anything related to digital piracy, once in a while, you would see a big piracy organization being taken down. Does this mean that piracy has become non-existent or is it that its effects have drastically reduced, unfortunately, it is neither of them. Piracy is alive and still active in many countries, it is just that the issue is not given enough spotlight, it is scary to say that it’s rampant usage might have even caused it to become a routine activity for many people.
The methods used to pirate a movie are easy and somebody at some point must have seen this gap in the market and jumped straight in. If you analyze the need for piracy, you can pinpoint many reasons but primarily free content and a lot of it is what people want. Another deeper reason for piracy is, stealing from an already rich community doesn’t cause a big dent, people think that film industries make huge profits every time and afterward if the content is available for free then it wouldn’t matter.
The problem arises when the number of piracy users increases and a substantial amount of them can cut deeper wounds into the industry. Also you are stealing the intellectual property of someone else, somebody else’s hard work and creativity and this is ethically wrong. This article here provides a detailed look at digital piracy and everything that it brings to society, but this article doesn’t support or promote piracy in any way or form.
About ‘Jalshamoviez’
What is common between Netflix, Jalshamoviez, and Hotstar, they all have the latest movies and tv shows on their websites and the difference is that one of them does it illegally, well you might have guessed which one among the three that is.
Jalshamoviez is a piracy website that distributes all the latest TV shows and movies illegally, the website itself has been active since 2017 and after being targeted multiple times, the website is now reduced to using domain extensions for its sustainment, therefore it requires a bit of rummaging around to find it.
Jalashamoviez provides an exhaustive list of movies, besides the apparent English and Hindi movies and shows, the website also has movies in Bengali, Marathi, Kannada, Tamil, Bhojpuri, Telugu, Punjabi, etc. The downloading procedure is very straightforward here and requires very little skill, the movies can be downloaded on to a computer or even a mobile device and in 360p, 480p, 720p or 1080p.
The website is refreshed constantly to upload new content, the website even shows you the upcoming movies that will soon be available on the site. But these sites must be accessed with caution since you are involved in illegal activity.
Movies Leaked by Jalashamoviez website
An easier question would be the movies not leaked by Jalashamoviez. The list of movies on the website goes on forever, you could find movies that are decades old. The website has categorized its movie as per language and genre so that the user doesn’t have to spend hours finding a movie. The most intriguing aspect is that sometimes there will be movies on this site even before the actual release date.
So, here are some of the movies and tv shows leaked by Jalashamoviez in various languages; Ateet, Birds of Prey, Joker, WWE, Rasam, Forbidden Fruit, School Wala Love, Dolittle, John Wick, Kirik Party, 3 Idiots, PK, 1917, Parasite, Maze Runner, Avengers, Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan, etc. Jalashamoviez also has dubbed and subbed categories for these movies so that a wider range of audience can enjoy them. But don’t forget this is illegal to watch
Jalashamoviez in India
India has been praised for many things over the past years, but to reject piracy is not one of them. The Indian users have been hoarding on to these sites for the content that is uploaded, the main reason for this is that the movies and shows are free of cost. Jalashamoviez’s methodology of piracy has not been protested by many Indians because most don’t see this as an offensive act. But this statement should not diminish the fact that there is a rising number of groups that don’t turn a deaf ear to piracy and continue to support the creators.
List of similar websites like Jalashamoviez movie download site.
When there is cheese present in the field the rats will come to nibble at it, an illegal method to gain credit and profit is sometimes an easy process and when one can do it, so can the others. These are some of the websites similar to Jalashamovies
What is the government doing to stop piracy?
Even with all the other factors running amok in the country, you would think if we really do need to curb digital piracy. Well certainly the government has a lot on its plate, but even with this, it has given a considerable amount of importance to piracy, many websites dealing with piracy have been banned and certain laws are in place for them. A separate specialized division within cybersecurity has been allocated for the safe-guarding of copyright content on the internet. With all these measures in place, it is also the responsibility of the people to support the government in its goal.
What will happen if I download movies Illegally in India?
To control a society certain rules and regulations implemented by the government have to be practiced, without this, the entire country could fall into a state of anarchy, many such instances in the country’s history have led to a more stabilized government. The government of India has laws and policies in place for every unlawful activity and that includes even the unauthorized distribution of digital content. Even though this may seem like a negligible act, the law doesn’t discriminate against the magnitude of an illegal action. The penalty involves:
The scare of such outcomes should ward off any violators, but digital piracy still continues to thrive, even the government is to be partially blamed for this by not implementing this as a high priority task for a longer duration.
Below are some other consequences of illegal movie download:
By indulging in Illegal downloads on digital content, you are in a way putting yourself out there to be judged by others. India is having a sturdy growth in its morality and emphatical scale, people are putting themselves in other’s shoes to experience the hardship that they go through to reach their goal. When you decide to download a movie illegally and spread this fact around considering it is something everybody does, you will likely face denial and judgment from peers, friends, family, etc.
When you download a movie and illegally share it with others you may think you are spreading an entertainment source but in actuality, all you are doing is digging a deeper hole for yourself and which finally makes it impossible for you to get out of. You are firstly involved in copyright infringement by illegally downloading movies and by sharing it with others you are participating in the unauthorized distribution of it. The fact that everybody does it doesn’t reduce the effect of it, it can still pose a severe threat to society.
By downloading a movie you steal the work of another person and this can lead to loss of revenue when this happens people tend to lose jobs as well. This causes a rise in unemployment, but it doesn’t stop there, job losses can put a lot of competition on another person when seeking a job, before piracy the market has space to accommodate job seekers but after piracy whole markets have collapsed and this can leave you with the additional competition. Every action that you do will have consequences directly or indirectly.
Risk factor:
The risks associated with piracy are vast, not only is it against law it also can harbor dangerous viruses and malware to the system. If you use a personal system then you will possibly damage your system, but the risk factor increases if multiple people use the same system or this is happening at a workplace. Due to malware, you can compromise the security of other’s work and in a workplace, important documents and files can be jeopardized. If you are caught in this illegal activity at work then you can also disrupt the reputation of the company.
How can you stop digital piracy?
Putting an end to piracy is a herculean task and since it has already embedded its roots deep inside society, till will take the government’s and every individual effort to reduce its presence. The government has already incorporated steps to reduce piracy by enforcing laws and policies, but let us see how we as people can stop piracy.
In families, the younger generation tends to look up to their elders for guidance and responsibility. With the internet and internet accessing devices becoming a common accessory, everybody is widely using them. Therefore it is the duty of the senior generation to implement knowledge about illegal movie download, not only this but piracy websites can even contain mature content that wouldn’t be appropriate for a younger crowd. The parents must make sure to not involve in illegal downloads and also must supervise the internet activity of their children.
Most of the initial steps in digital piracy begin with primitive methods, like a video recorder or a CD burner, this hardware allows piracy to take place, the proper policing of these tools can reduce the widespread of piracy. The manufactures must impose stringent policies against piracy and proper action should be taken against anyone who violates them and also movie viewing centers must monitor its audience and not support this activity.
Understanding the volume of the issue can also be a right step towards the reduction of piracy, before practicing any kind of laws or rules, it is good to understand the actual matter at hand. Sometimes when people blatantly follow a certain act, they do not incorporate the core value of it and this could redirect their focus. Conducting your own research and judging from a different point of view can change your perspective towards the situation providing a different angle to the matter.

Well, piracy is that never-ending plague that keeps haunting every film industry, creator, government, etc. If you were indulging in piracy, by your single effort you can affect other people in the community as well. This leads to a chain reaction. Finding a cure to this plague has been a continuous effort and when we seem to have reached that eureka moment, piracy just gets stronger and overwhelming.
How long will this war wage on, will we ever see an end. Only time has the answers to this. It is also affecting the lives of millions of common people that are struggling to provide for their family. Not paying for the content you wish to view is an act of theft which most of the people present in India are unaware of. If the issues of piracy are treated equally as any other criminal activity then the general public will gain greater knowledge about this concept. Thus, education of the masses is a necessary step which the government must acknowledge in order to limit the ill activities of privacy.

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