Lord Vishnu is a Hindu deity who is also known as the preserver. He is considered to have taken ten incarnations/avatars to bless humanity. Lord Krishna is the eighth incarnation or avatar of Lord Vishnu. He took birth to relieve the world from a cruel King Kansa, who was also his maternal uncle.
The Aakash Vani
Devaki, the sister of King Kansa who ruled Mathura got married to a nobleman, Vasudev. It was on this auspicious day when a heavenly voice or akashvani warned Kansa stating that his days of cruelty are over and the eighth son of Devaki and Vasudev will kill him. Upon hearing this, he instantly put his sister and brother-in-law into a dark prison. He killed six newborn babies of the couple. But, he couldn’t harm the seventh baby as God transferred it to Rohini’s womb who was another wife of Vasudev.
Birth of Krishna
The eighth child, i.e. Lord Krishna was born in the midnight of Ashtami tithi in the month of Shravana. Hindus all over the world celebrate the day as Krishna Janmashtami. According to mythology, the guards were fast asleep, and Vasudeva found himself unchained. He took the baby and started towards Gokul, where his friend Nanda lived. The river Yamuna was flooding since it was a stormy night with heavy rainfall. But to Vasudeva’s surprise, the river tore open, and he could easily walk through it. Also, the ten-headed snake called Vasuki gave protection to Lord Krishna. Hence, Vasudeva could swap the baby with that of Nanda and return to prison.
King Kansa couldn’t kill the eighth son and knew that the baby was growing in Gokul. He asked lots of demons (asuras) to kill Krishna, but none of them succeeded.
Lord Krishna was a naughty boy who loved butter. He was called ‘Makhan chor’ by the villagers. However, they loved Krishna. From his early life, Krishna saved the villagers from demons. It is also popular folklore that stated Lord Indra ‘the rain god’ to be jealous of Krishna’s popularity among the villagers. He raged at the commoners with heavy rains and storms. At this time Krishna lifted the mountain called ‘Govardhan Parvat’ and gave shelter to the villagers. Indra understood that Krishna was an incarnation of the Lord himself and asked for his forgiveness.
Later Krishna returns to Mathura to kill King Kansa. He then leads the kingdom. Then as the Kuru kingdom flourishes, he becomes friends with Arjun and his brothers. It is said that during the great war of Mahabharat, Arjun was reluctant to fight against his dear ones. Krishna stopped the entire universe at that instant and conveyed the true essence of life and liberation to Arjun. All his teachings are recorded in Gita, the holy book of Hindus. It is said that Gita is not merely a religious book but a way of life.
Here are some of the soulful Krishna quotes to learn more about life.
Lord Krishna’s life is an inspiration for every human being. He is the epitome of love, care and compassion towards other people. The Gita saar is all about how the bodies we live with are only temporary shelters and life is about attaining salvation. Uniting with the supreme power that is Lord Vishnu is the goal of each life and every act should take us towards him. There is a lot to learn from the Krishna quotes as life becomes incredibly easy when one sees them through the lenses of enlightenment.
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