There are so many things which are gifted by our Mother Nature that in some or other ways has a huge impact on our life. Talking of which, today, we shall be discussing the moon and how its impact on our emotions and beauty and health is so significant.

Moon is said to have a strong effect on the motions. There are so many practical approaches that flow along with the lunar rhythms rather than being against them. If you look around and see what occurs when it comes to the new and full moon then definitely you would be surprised. Ideally, it is the moon that paces up the healing process in all ways, be it at an emotional level or physical level and thus support us in our overall growth.


Life is too short to not have fun; we are only here for a short time compared to the sun and the moon and all that.

- Coolio


I feel like the moon is a very beautiful woman. She's in control.

- Ravyn Lenae


Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.

- Anton Chekhov


There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.

- George Carlin


If you strive for the moon, maybe you'll get over the fence.

- James Woods


Always remember we are under the same sky looking at the same moon.

- Maxine Lee


I always look up at the moon and see it as the single most romantic place within the cosmos.

- Tom Hanks


She and the moon could always be found playing in the darkness.

- A.J. Lawless


Go slowly, my lovely moon, go slowly.

- Khaled Hosseini


Don't worry if you're making waves just by being yourself. The moon does it all the time.

- Scott Stabile


The moon is too close. I want to go further.

- Shirley MacLaine


Don't even try to talk to me when I'm watching the moon. That's my moon, baby.

- Wendelin Van Draanen


The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness. But she will always dwell in the darkness in order to be seen.

- Shannon L. Alder


The moon's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.

- John M. Grunsfeld


So imagine that the lovely moon is playing just for you - everything makes music if you really want it to.

- Giles Andreae


The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.

- Carl Sandburg


The moon puts on an elegant show, different every time in shape, color and nuance.

- Arthur Smithder


The moon was reigning over their world, glowing its full splendor to all those willing to look up.

- Irina Serban


The moon rested right above the mountains, a place I call home.

- Daniel Wallock


Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.

- Mark Twain

Importance of Moon

The moon is often associated with intuition, femininity and even the deep inner peace that crosses ample traditions.


Emotional fulfilment:

The moon has been often connected with emotional development. It helps in balancing the fulfilment and joy at a great level.

It often reflects on how we should be feeling about ourselves and how better we can deal with the relationship and the situations that need to be responded to. It often refers to inner peace, deep thinking patterns, and feeling in the unconscious state.


Intuition and thought:

Many people also claim the fact that emotional tides and water tides both get affected by the moon. Of course, the gravitational pull on the moon impacts the water on the earth, which is why the tide gets created.


Impact of Different Moons


New Moon:

The beginning of the lunar cycle is often considered to be the dark side of the moon which teaches us many things. One of them is during this cycle, there is a dark side, but still, moons shine all the time bright and bold.


Full Moon:

It is all about reflecting and releasing. It signifies the energy which you express towards the world and people whom you are associated with. It is all about letting go of the restraints to step out of the world and develop supportive energy.

The full moon is a time when you can see extra brightness that teaches us to release the tension and tiredness. However, at a physical level, you would often feel emotionally upset.

There are so many awesome moon quotes that would amaze you. From the above information, it is pretty clear on the impact of the moon on our lives.

Just the way the moon teaches us things, like staying stable in all aspects and growing, similarly, the quotes of the moon, are more like an example of motivation and expression.

Here is a list of moon quotes to help you express yourself.


You might want to use these quotes or similar to this one for those lovely people in your life who have set an inspiration or who are seeking for some motivation. It can be great to read quotes for yourself and also learn how to respect others.

You can also post these when you are feeling lonely and want to reach out to someone. The moon is a fascinating element and inspires a lot of ideas, values and art. These quotes reflect how the moon can be an object to express various of your thoughts and emotions.

Do share these quotes with your near ones and marvel together about the beautiful moon!

Top 20 Moon Quotes

    1. "Life is too short to not have fun; we are only here for a short time compared to the sun and the moon and all that." - Coolio
    2. "I feel like the moon is a very beautiful woman. She's in control." - Ravyn Lenae
    3. "Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." - Anton Chekhov
    4. "There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls." - George Carlin
    5. "If you strive for the moon, maybe you'll get over the fence." - James Wood
    6. "Always remember we are under the same sky looking at the same moon." - Maxine Lee
    7. "I always look up at the moon and see it as the single most romantic place within the cosmos." - Tom Hanks
    8. "She and the moon could always be found playing in the darkness." - A.J. Lawless
    9. "Go slowly, my lovely moon, go slowly." - Khaled Hosseini
    10. "Don't worry if you're making waves just by being yourself. The moon does it all the time." - Scott Stabile
    11. "The moon is too close. I want to go further." - Shirley MacLaine
    12. "Don't even try to talk to me when I'm watching the moon. That's my moon, baby."  - Wendelin Van Draanen
    13. "The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness. But she will always dwell in the darkness in order to be seen." - Shannon L. Alder
    14. "The moon's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there." - John M. Grunsfeld
    15. "So imagine that the lovely moon is playing just for you - everything makes music if you really want it to." - Giles Andreae
    16. "The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to." - Carl Sandburg
    17. "The moon puts on an elegant show, different every time in shape, color and nuance." - Arthur Smithder
    18. "The moon was reigning over their world, glowing its full splendor to all those willing to look up." - Irina Serban
    19. "The moon rested right above the mountains, a place I call home." - Daniel Wallock
    20. "Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody." - Mark Twain

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