Have you ever thought about the importance of motivation? It is very important for success, happiness and the mere existence of a human being. What does motivation do to you? It helps increase your self-confidence. What happens when your self-confidence is boosted. You tend to push yourself forward. When you push yourself forward, you tend to do things better. When you do things better, it is not only beneficial to you but also for people around you and the whole world. Yes, a little motivation has the power to change the world.

Some people plan to do something, and although they are determined to do it, they lack the enthusiasm and interest to do it. Well, the problem is not with them but with a lack of motivation. When they are motivated, they are sure to be driven to do what they want to do. They become ready to face all the challenges that come in the way. It helps them overcome the setbacks and stay in the course. A little motivation from your side to your friend or your colleagues or your employees or anyone else has the power to change the course of their life and make them happier.

Motivation – A magical wand to create magic

Motivation is a magic wand that can create magic for anyone. It inspires students to remain focused. It encourages employees to be more productive. It inspires employers to manage time more efficiently and to find ways to attain their goals. It inspires a sportsman to win the game and to create new records. Why is motivation a magical tool? It is because it is infectious. When one team member is motivated, it rubs off on others too. It creates positive vibes that are likely to pass on to others. Motivation is responsible for the positive energy that spreads from one person to another.

How can motivational statuses help in getting through hard times?

Life is full of ups and downs. It is a series of peaks and valleys. It is during the hard times a person needs motivation and support from others. Motivational messages will bring light and help in changing one’s mind to see the problem from a different perspective. They can uplift moods and energize people. They offer hope and give wisdom.

Motivational messages are not meant for others only. Updating motivational statuses every day will keep you self-motivated. It will surely give positive thinking and positive action. It will make you ready to set goals and take appropriate steps to reach those goals.

Not feeling motivated enough? Don’t worry, we have curated a list of the most motivating and inspiring messages for you to uplift your mood and get ready to conquer the world.


Motivational status is the best way to bring out the talents of a person. It allows improving and getting closer to the goals. It takes you to greater heights. The world today is too competitive. It is the tough competition that makes you feel let down most of the time. A little motivation can go a long way in helping in beating the competition and taking you to the path of success. It helps you to live your life to the fullest. It helps you to realize life is not always a bed of roses. It teaches you how to cross hurdles and emerge a winner.

We have a long list of motivational statuses for you to pick from. If our status messages inspire you to conquer life’s challenges and give you the edge to create success, share it with others and help them overcome their fears and achieve their goals.

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