Respect is something that makes us different from all the other animals that live on our planet. We respect people because it is the right thing to do. But this respect goes both ways. In simple terms, respect is the sense of worth or in other words personal value we feel towards someone. If we feel they are worth something to us we respect them.
There are many factors that come into play when it comes to showing respect towards people. We as humans often respect people we aspire to become, one day in the future. We look at a person’s outer appearance, what they are doing in life, how well they treat us, their qualities and drawbacks before deciding whether or not we should respect them.
It goes without saying that we should respect everyone around us unless they are fundamentally bad. Another major thing is self-respect which is quite important. How much we value ourselves shows us how confident we are about ourselves which is very important in this world. People who do not respect themselves often act desperate for attention and can do anything.
Why do we need to show respect?
Before you start showing other people respect you must begin with respecting yourself. You need to love and respect yourself before you can respect others.
There are many ways in which we can show how much we respect someone. Actions do speak louder than words but sometimes words are all we need. When we need to tell someone how much we respect them we can use some respect quotes. These quotes not only tell a person how much you respect them but it also motivates them to lead a life that is respectable.
We all know the positive feeling we get when people respect us. It makes us feel good. So, you know that when you respect others they feel the same way. When a person or multiple people contribute something important to your life you should always remember to respect them. This lets them know that you are grateful for what they have done. Respecting others spreads positivity and trust which is vital for our survival not just in this society but also on this planet.
Respect is important not just for others but also for your own self. Choose from the below list of respect quotes, the ones you feel are the best for you.

Everyone in this world loves to feel respected for their purpose, hard work, and status in society. There are no small jobs in this world and we should respect everyone around us. Mutual respect for each other will make you a humble person and live life more purposefully. These respect quotes will help you to stay grounded in the time of extreme success and failures. It doesn’t matter you are a sportsperson or a normal human being. We all need motivation and respect to stay focussed at our work.

We hope you found a powerful respect quote for someone you respect and if you did, please share this article with your friends and family!

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