We all have those moments when we feel sad or upset. It is one of the six basic emotions humans feel besides happiness, fear, disgust, anger, and surprise.
What makes us feel sad?
There are many reasons we feel sad with some of the most common triggers as follows:
Rejection- Sometimes we do not expect someone to say no or reject us, because we place so much confidence in the certainty of the answer as positive and forget to account for the things that might not favour our situation. We lose the sense of control on the emotion, present situation and forget the fact that indeed the control is in our hands, that we slip into chaotic emotion of sadness
Saying goodbye- Leaving a part of a thing or a person of life is not we humans are best at. We are collectors and keepers by nature. It is because we often attach our feelings with the person, place, or a thing. When we feel us moving away emotionally and physically from that spot of love, our heart feels a feeling of sinking and we yet again come into the grip of sadness and sorrow.
Loss of a loved one- Death is surely a fact that we all know is going to come one day, but we just are never prepared to deal with it. Nobody is ever prepared. And when the loved one leaves the world, there is a gap in life which is then filled with the sadness and grief of the fact that that person is no more and there is no other way you know without them.
The feeling of hopelessness- When someone starts placing expectations which are low in nature, it brings the negativity of hopelessness and degrades all the positivity and growth of life.
Being disappointed- This is when the expectation is placed in someone else and he/she happens to do things in the otherwise manner, it brings the negativity of distrust and disappointment
Depression- It is a state of mind that is fueled by sadness and sad thoughts. It is a vicious cycle of never-ending pain
There are several reasons in our day to day lives that can make us feel sad and upset. However, we should not let the sadness linger for too long as it can easily cause us to have negative and unproductive thoughts. Whenever we feel sad, we should acknowledge our feelings and not try to suppress it. The suppression of any particular sense can have adverse side effects in the long run. You may feel great not acknowledging it right now, but sooner or later it’s going to come out, and it will ruin your plans.
How does sadness impact one’s life?
Nobody likes feeling sad as it can quickly ruin your day. It makes you feel useless and gives you a sense of dread. This is why whenever you feel anxious, you should try your best to acknowledge that you are feeling sad and try to pinpoint the reason why you’re feeling this way. Once you know why then you can focus on making yourself feel better.
Yes, you can fake a smile and put whatever it is that is making you sad at the back of your mind. Bottling up your emotions because you don’t want to face them is a very bad idea as one day you will snap, and everything you kept inside will come out all at once.
It also helps if you have someone who can cheer you up. This is where a sad status can help you. A sad status will let your friends know that you are not feeling up to the mark without telling them what is exactly wrong. This will make them check up on you to find out what happened that is making you sad.
If you can’t find the right words to express your sadness in the best possible way, then you can use our list of sad statuses that can convey how you feel easily.
We all have our sad days and sad moments when we can’t feel happy. This is normal and a part of life, but what isn’t a part of life is being sad forever. This is in your hands as you have the power to overcome the sadness. Do it yourself or with your group of close friends but do it and get over it. Bottling it up will not help you in any way. Acknowledging it, accepting it and overcoming it will put you in a better mindset. Don’t let the sadness overtake and control your life and don’t be afraid to take risks because you are scared that you will be disappointed.
If you found any status that helped you express how you feel in the best possible way, please share this article with your friends and family to help them at the time of need.

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