Swami Vivekananda was known as one of the pioneers of spiritual thinking. Not only that, but he was also considered as a famous Indian monk for many of his deeds and activities. He was also recognised as a brilliant character for introducing the great Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the western world. He was also a social reformer profoundly known for his several international activities to bring global harmony and peace.
He was born in Kolkata on 12 January, 1863. In 1871, at the age of eight, he got admission in Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar’s institution and later on, graduated from Presidency College. He enhanced his capabilities in various subjects like western philosophy, Christianity and science. He was majorly occupied with instrumental and vocal music and had active participation in gymnastics, sports, wrestling and bodybuilding.
Swami Vivekanandawas very popular in his childhood by the name of Narendranath Dutta. He was primarily fond of reading, which helped him acquire vast knowledge before he even graduated. His education included the study of Hindu scriptures, Upanishad and Bhagavad Gita, along with various western philosophies which dwelled in the spirituality of David Hume’s and Herbert Spencer’s.
Although he grew up in a religious family, still after reading various religious books, he was in question of the ultimate existence of God. He was also a believer of Agnosticism since he couldn’t eliminate the presence of God from his mind. Later on, in 1880, he joined Nava Vidhan of Keshab Chandra Sen. Apart from it, he also enrolled himself as a member of Sadharan Brahmo Samaj.
After a while, Vivekananda’s family had to deal with his father’s death and they suffered from a financial crisis. Then, Swami Vivekananda went to Ramakrishna Paramhansa to whom he was formally introduced when he was in quest of God’s existence. Ramakrishna advised him to pray for himself to Goddess Kali. Vivekananda couldn’t pray and ask for anything except conscience and reclusion. That is when his life turned and he was notified with spiritual awakening. His ascetic life was on the initial stage.
After the demise of Shri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda regained his consciousness and understood that other than serving humanity, there is no better service towards God. Afterwards, Swami Vivekananda and 15 of Ramakrishna’s disciples started to live in Baranagar of North Calcutta, which was later on named Ramakrishna Matt.
They all took the vows of monkhood. Narendranath was elevated to Vivekananda by the emergence of the bliss of discerning wisdom. After some time, Vivekananda decided to leave Matt and started on a tour to whole India in bare feet. This was popularly known as Parivrajak. He came to deal with various social, spiritual and religious aspects of people where he found that in the core of human life, there was always suffering and sadness.
To help you realize your inner self and learn more about the divine truth of God, here are some quotes by Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda was the founder of Ramakrishna Mission, which sought spirituality in its truest form. All of his quotes are a source of energy for a million of his followers. His various conferences, seminars and workshops were all towards progressing mankind and have set an example for the world.
His motto towards achieving the ultimate freedom of the soul is an inspiration towards future generations.

The above quotes will help you sail through life and see good in others. Share it with others to make a difference in their lives too.

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