We live in a harmonious society with our friends, near and dear one, the ones we tend to care about, even the ones with whom we may have a nodding association. It is human nature to feel bad about someone’s loss or an unfortunate event which has occurred in their life. Besides extending our help in such circumstances, we should also express our sympathy to the grieving.

The word Sympathy comes from the Greek word ‘syn’ which means ‘with’ and ‘pathos’ which implies ‘suffering’. It encompasses the precise meaning behind the word and, therefore, the message it holds. There are times when we are caught in situations where we face conflict about the choice of words to use while extending sympathy to those who have lost their near and dear ones.


Although no words can take away the sorrow that you bear. May it be comforting to you to know that others care.


There are so few comforting words when we need them most. The passing of the one who first introduced us to this planet and who loved us along its paths is never easy.


My heart aches for you and your family during this time. Your mother was such an amazing person and she will truly be missed, My condolences.


I can only imagine how difficult and demanding this time is for you. We’ll be mourning his passing with you and celebrating the life of a good man.


We are so sorry for your loss.


What an amazing person and what a remarkable life. I feel so lucky that I got to know him.


I know I can’t make your pain go away, but I want you to know I’m here with a shoulder or an ear or anything else you need.


I wish I could be there to honor your dad along with you. He was a great man.


Please know we are thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. 


Sending you lots of love and comfort, we are so sorry for your loss


A mother is with us always, first in her lifetime, then forever in our memory.


I remember the first time I met your father. He made me feel so welcome and comfortable right away.


Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love, leaves a memory no one can steal.


If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them


The comfort of having a friend may be taken away, but not that of having had one


Our loving thoughts embrace you during this difficult time


May these flowers remind you of our thoughts and prayers.


Wishing you strength and peace during this hard time.


Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.


Let the memories of your father provide you with comfort and serve as guidance.

Often, we worry that we might say something wrong, which rather than helping, would make them feel worse about the situation, and as a result, we tend to hold out thoughts to ourselves.

 Amidst our internal conflict, we tend to overlook the support sympathy messages can offer to the grieving. Remember, words have the power to give a person the much-needed support in dark times and help them face the situation with a brave heart.

Writing a sympathy message can be one of the most difficult tasks. We very well know no matter what we say, our words cannot diminish their pain. Every person grieves differently.

A grieving person could be going about his/her daily life silently, hiding the grief in his/her heart, or could be struggling to get on with the daily routine. Sympathy messages can give them the necessary support.

There aren’t enough words to help you convey the deep sympathy you have got for the person. However, we should not overlook the magic of these simple, straightforward sentences.

The quotes may be short, but it’s the best way to let your loved ones know that you are here for them and that your support is always there.

Writing in the best memory of the one who is no more, acknowledging that you understand what the grieving person is going through, offering your support and being sincere in your message helps the person immensely.

Sympathy messages may also help you in conveying your thoughts and respect towards the person who is no more.

You might have not been able to tell the person who has departed, how much you cared or cherished their presence in your life while they were still alive, but letting their family and loved ones know about it will mean a lot to the grieving.

CATCHY LINE: It takes time to find the right words to express your sympathy, so we hope our list of messages will assist you in framing your thoughts


Sympathy is not just an emotion but a way of expressing our support and thoughts to the one grieving. Sympathy is not simply a tool but often acts as a warm blanket of comfort and reassurance to the one who has suffered a loss.

One can write a simple sentence expressing their sadness and offering support in difficult times or one can write a whole message, talking about the best memory they have about the person who is no more.

It will definitely offer the much-needed support to the person grieving. Sending sympathetic messages can help the person find the strength to go through the dark times and face the situation bravely.

We hope our sympathy message helped you in finding the right words to express your support and respect for the grieving person. Do let your friends and family know the importance sympathy messages have in dark times.

Top 20 Sympathy Messages

  1. Although no words can take away the sorrow that you bear. May it be comforting to you to know that others care.
  2. There are so few comforting words when we need them most. The passing of the one who first introduced us to this planet and who loved us along its paths is never easy.
  3. My heart aches for you and your family during this time. Your mother was such an amazing person and she will truly be missed, My condolences.”
  4. I can only imagine how difficult and demanding this time is for you. We’ll be mourning his passing with you and celebrating the life of a good man.
  5. We are so sorry for your loss
  6. What an amazing person and what a remarkable life. I feel so lucky that I got to know him
  7. I know I can’t make your pain go away, but I want you to know I’m here with a shoulder or an ear or anything else you need.
  8. I wish I could be there to honor your dad along with you. He was a great man.”
  9. Please know we are thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. 
  10. Sending you lots of love and comfort, we are so sorry for your loss
  11. A mother is with us always, first in her lifetime, then forever in our memory.
  12. I remember the first time I met your father. He made me feel so welcome and comfortable right away
  13. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love, leaves a memory no one can steal.”
  14. If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them
  15. The comfort of having a friend may be taken away, but not that of having had one
  16. Our loving thoughts embrace you during this difficult time.
  17. May these flowers remind you of our thoughts and prayers.
  18. Wishing you strength and peace during this hard time.
  19. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal
  20. Let the memories of your father provide you with comfort and serve as guidance

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