A farewell is never easy. To say goodbye to your colleague,, your office colleague your friend or your seniors makes your heart ache. It takes you to the memory lane you have shared with them. How can one make the farewell special, meaningful and wishful?


Picking up nice farewell wishes can make the job easier. You can always find farewell wishes that speak about your bond and put your feelings into words. Most of the time, one goes through mixed feelings during the farewell. 


Make use of nice farewell wishes to help you say goodbye! Here is a list of these wishes to help you out -


You have always been a great companion for the journey. Saying goodbye to a companion like you is hard for me. Wish you all the best for your new life!



Success will find you no matter where you go and what you do. As you leave us today just know that my heart will always find you in it!



I didn’t realize how these days just passed by with you it never felt any more difficult, now it’s time for you to leave. You will be missed!



Go ahead and find your glory. But never forget the ones you shared the journey with. Wishing you good luck for the new life!



It hurts to say goodbye. But I am optimistic that one day we will meet again.



Good bye and good luck


Dear, hope you achieve new heights and good things in the upcoming days. Wishing for a bright future with lots of positivity for you, take care of yourself.



And the time is here when you are going to go; you gave me the best time of my life which I will cherish forever. Thank you for being there. I will miss you!



If I had to play a final prank on you before bidding you farewell, I would tie your legs to your cubicle when you aren’t looking so that you can never leave us. Goodbye.



Now that you have stepped down as Captain of the ship, who will sail us through choppy waters? Farewell, boss.



I hope that your next boss will hate you so much so that he’ll kick you back here. Just kidding! Be good there and all the best for your new workplace.



Under your guidance, I learned more than I could ever have comprehended. Farewell!


Do not get sad at the thought of parting. We will meet again, my friend. Farewell!



Life has been a wonderful journey for both of us. But, the time has come to say goodbye. Farewell.



Thank you for your help and kindness. You are the best colleague I have ever met. Keep in touch dear.



Hey Boss, I am your admirer and you can’t imagine how much I'm going to miss you. You are the best bossy



It’s time to move on and scale new heights. But don’t forget the old friends out of sight. See you!



Success and failures are a part of the job but your advice and way of dealing with failures is the best. Farewell!!



May you get everything worthy and best at the new place, dear Boss. All the best for the future. Farewell!



I never had a day in this office when I didn’t laugh hard. Thanks for everything


There is an excitement and nervousness of getting into something new. So, your thoughtful farewell wishes can make the moment memorable. Put your feelings into words through farewell wishes.

A farewell ceremony is a time where people share joy, laughter, memories, tears, and hugs. When you are about to bid goodbye to your friend or colleague, a small speech becomes mandatory.

This way, one shares his or her experience and feelings to make the person feel special. Some feelings are way beyond words, and it is very difficult to phrase them as well. By using farewell wishes a lot more could be said in fewer words and that too, beautifully. 


Farewell wishes are an apt way to express the connection

A wish that comes from the heart goes across to touch another heart deeply. So, the choice of farewell wishes needs to be different. It depends, with whom you are departing.

It is either a retirement ceremony, college or school farewell, colleague farewell, or simply one of your friends is leaving your neighbourhood. As per the occasion, a list of farewell wishes should be prepared, so that it serves its purpose well.


Creating and sharing memories

When you are about to express your emotions, you become very vulnerable at that time. It becomes tough to get your words together. So, for these special moments, start your speech with a perfect farewell wish.

Here, you get a base to start with. And after that, sharing memories and creating more at the moment come eventually. When someone is departing from a place, that person is anxious naturally. Your kind and happy words ease them out.

He/she gets the confidence to carry forward his journey.


The best job is to make someone smile

A happy person is loved by one and all. How you behave that ascertains the behaviour of others towards you. So, we all should try to be the reason for someone else’s joy, even in the smallest possible way.

Every effort counts. Farewell wishes are an easy and assured way to bring that smile with little effort. You only need to take a sincere notice of the farewell wish list and make your personalized list out of it.

You would find many amazing wishes that will enable you to bring that smile on your friend’s face.



Life is about meeting and greeting people. It is also about departing at some point and moving forward to make new connections. But we also cherish our old times and connections.

To make the experience more joyful, a nice farewell is a perfect way to show affection to the person leaving you. You must get the perfect idea of farewell that goes with the personality of the person.

And never forget to have amazing farewell wishes included in the planning. You can write down the greetings on the gift card, or you can quote them in your speech to make the moment cherished forever.

Have you found the impressive farewell wish? Pen it down on the farewell card to make the card more special. Also, don’t forget to share the list with your friends and colleagues!

Top 20 Farewell Wishes


  1.  You have always been a great companion for the journey. Saying goodbye to a companion like you is hard for me. Wish you all the best for your new life!
  2. Success will find you no matter where you go and what you do. As you leave us today just know that my heart will always find you in it!
  3. I didn’t realize how these days just passed by with you it never felt any more difficult, now it’s time for you to leave. You will be missed! 
  4. Go ahead and find your glory. But never forget the ones you shared the journey with. Wishing you good luck for the new life!
  5. It hurts to say goodbye. But I am optimistic that one day we will meet again.
  6. Good bye and good luck.
  7. Dear, hope you achieve new heights and good things in the upcoming days. Wishing for a bright future with lots of positivity for you, take care of yourself.
  8. And the time is here when you are going to go; you gave me the best time of my life which I will cherish forever. Thank you for being there. I will miss you!
  9. If I had to play a final prank on you before bidding you farewell, I would tie your legs to your cubicle when you aren’t looking so that you can never leave us. Goodbye.
  10. Now that you have stepped down as Captain of the ship, who will sail us through choppy waters? Farewell, boss.
  11. I hope that your next boss will hate you so much so that he’ll kick you back here. Just kidding! Be good there and all the best for your new workplace.
  12. Do not get sad at the thought of parting. We will meet again, my friend. Farewell!
  13. Under your guidance, I learned more than I could ever have comprehended. Farewell!
  14. Life has been a wonderful journey for both of us. But, the time has come to say goodbye. Farewell.
  15. Thank you for your help and kindness. You are the best colleague I have ever met. Keep in touch dear.
  16. Hey Boss, I am your admirer and you can’t imagine how much I'm going to miss you. You are the best bossy
  17.  It’s time to move on and scale new heights. But don’t forget the old friends out of sight. See you!
  18. Success and failures are a part of the job but your advice and way of dealing with failures is the best. Farewell!!
  19. May you get everything worthy and best at the new place, dear Boss. All the best for the future. Farewell!
  20. I never had a day in this office when I didn’t laugh hard. Thanks for everything


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