How often do you think that the place you are in or what you are doing won’t take you anywhere? Often, right? The constant worry of “what if I don’t succeed” takes away half of your confidence and leaves you with self-doubt, which results in giving up.

Never give up attitude will take you to places Life is a journey with really beautiful goals. But, more than that, one has to enjoy the process. When we read stories of successful people, they often tend to talk about the process and not about how the success came knocking at their door.


Winners never quit, and quitters never win.

- Vince Lombardi


Don’t give up


Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.

- James A Michener


Never give up on something you believe in.

- Steve Scalise


It always seems impossible until it’s done.

- Nelson Mandela


Don’t give up before the miracle happens.

- Fannie Flagg


You never give up, even when you should.

- Kelly Creagh


Your victory is right around the corner. Never give up.

- Nicki Minaj


Never give up. You only get one life. Go for it!

- Richard E. Grant


The only thing you should ever quit is giving up!

- Steve Pfeister


Either do not begin or, having begun, do not give up.

- Chinese Proverb


It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

- Confucius


Just because you fail once doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at everything.

- Marilyn Monroe


Never give up on your dreams.


I refuse to quit because I haven’t tried all possible ways yet.


Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.

- Harriet Beecher Stowe


It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.

- Babe Ruth


You are stronger than you think.


Giving up is the only sure way to fail.

- Gena Showalter


Hey warrior, keep going. 


It is the hustle which is essential. Everything that you are doing or experiencing right now is preparing you for something better. Efforts never go in vain; they either teach or develop you into a person you were supposed to be.


It is never too late to start something new, that you are passionate about or which makes you happy. If you ever feel like giving up because of the competition and what people are saying around you, remember why you started in the first place and the happiness it brought you.


Benefits that never give up attitude will bring in your life Goals give purpose to life, and actions give life to the goals. However, this equation is not as simple as it appears; it takes a durable will power to stay focused towards what we want to achieve.


Not every day will treat you the same way, sometimes the faith will be in your favour, and someday it won’t be; thus, a ‘never give up attitude’ will keep you strong. This mindset of never giving up will bring discipline, motivation, and balance in life.


As long as you can convince yourself that you are the warrior, and you will never give up, there would be a possibility to find the ray of light at the end of the dark tunnel. After all, you are not a loser until you quit. Embrace never give up attitude to test your limits.


The oldest and strongest emotion of humanity is fear. And, ironically, that fear is unknown. Yes, we usually stay worried to the extent that we don’t push yourself to check our real strength and capacities. Ever wondered what could be an antidote to this fear?


It’s a never give up attitude. It’s all about training your brain that you can overcome all the obstacles to achieve your target, be it your ideal fitness goal, dream job, dream house, dream college; or anything that can be associated with being a goal.


Get that required push and motivation to stimulate the never give up attitude through these hand-picked quotes!



If you invest yourself in something with an intention that you are not into this for stopping, then you will be surprised by your capabilities. Life is a road journey that goes on; it won’t always be peaceful.


There would be speed breakers and some twists and turns. But, they don’t last for long. Don’t focus on the situation; see the world around you and how beautiful it is. It may not be perfect, and that exactly is what makes it perfect.


Here we have multiple destinations, now it depends on you if you choose to give up or enjoy the process and not give up without worrying about the future. Feeling pumped up and motivated? Understood the magic of the phrase- “never give up”?

Then pass on this vibe to everybody you know and share this article with them.


Top 20 Never Give Up Quotes 

  1. “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.”- Vince Lombardi
  2. "Don’t give up"
  3. “Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.”- James A. Michener
  4. “Never give up on something you believe in.”- Steve Scalise
  5. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”- Nelson Mandela
  6. “Don’t give up before the miracle happens.”- Fannie Flagg
  7. “You never give up, even when you should.”- Kelly Creagh
  8. “Your victory is right around the corner. Never give up.”- Nicki Minaj
  9. “Never give up. You only get one life. Go for it!”- Richard E. Grant
  10. “The only thing you should ever quit is giving up!”- Steve Pfeister
  11. “Either do not begin or, having begun, do not give up.”- Chinese Proverb
  12. “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”- Confucius
  13. “Just because you fail once doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at everything.”- Marilyn Monroe
  14. "Never give up on your dreams."
  15. “I refuse to quit because I haven’t tried all possible ways yet.”
  16. “Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”- Harriet Beecher Stowe
  17. “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.”- Babe Ruth
  18. "You are stronger than you think."
  19. “Giving up is the only sure way to fail.”- Gena Showalter
  20. "Hey warrior, Keep going."

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